How do I register to work with the A24Group?

These are some of the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) by agency nurses who want to register with the A24 Group:

1.    Why do I need to attend a face-to-face interview with an A24 consultant?
All candidates attend a face-to-face meeting with an A24 Consultant as this enables us to meet you and  verify your experience, training and work status.

2.    How do I register with you – as your nearest branch is more than 50 miles away?
A24 Group has branches generally in high-volume locations:  we recognise that these locations are not always convenient for everyone and have therefore introduced our Roving Recruiter model.  A24 has Roving Recruiters across most of England and Wales and we will arrange for one of them to meet you at a location that is near to your workplace or home, as convenient. All of our Roving Consultants are equipped with document scanners and other equipment to enable them to fully assist you to register.  To arrange an interview with us email You can also do a quick on-line registration by clicking here and a consultant will be in contact with you.

3.    Why is the registration process so onerous, I never had to do this even for my current employer?
We recognise that registration with the A24 Group can be a time-consuming process: as a responsible health care recruiter we are bound by the statutory recruitment and care standards regulations as well as the regulations and requirements of our clients. To help you to achieve compliance we have partnered with a number of organisations and have dedicated teams of clearance and research staff to assist you.

4.    I keep hearing the term “PASA compliant” what does this mean to me?
PASA is the NHS Supplies & Purchasing Agency and they lay down the compliance and rules that suppliers must work to in order to place staff with the NHS.

5.    My full time job is within the NHS and I have never had to undertake all the training and compliance that you are asking me for and I work there every day: why do I need this in order to do the odd agency shift back in the NHS?
The PASA rules are very clear on these requirements; as an agency worker you are effectively viewed as a new starter within the NHS meaning that you have to undertake all the training and occupational health requirements.

6.     How does A24 Group deal with my Occupational Health information?
We recognize that this information is personal and highly confidential to you as an individual; we have for this reason contracted with Healthier Business who carry out all occupational health checks and provide advice on our behalf. They will undertake all the necessary checks and verifications and will make recommendations where necessary.  Healthier Business will issue us with a “Fitness for work “certificate on your behalf once they are satisfied you meet the requirements laid down by the Department of Health. You can purchase this certificate for your portfolio at a cost of £5.29.

7.    There seems to be a high level of training required, where can I go for this and get these courses done?
A24 Group has partnered with Osmosis Training services Osmosis provides all the necessary courses that you will require to become compliant. Many of the courses are available online so therefore can be undertaken at your leisure. A24 Group offers courses in addition to the Osmosis training at most of our branch locations for manual handling and CPR. You will receive certificates for your portfolio for any course that you attend that is affiliated with us.

8.    Why do I need a Criminal Records check, when I have one that has been done recently with my current employer?
It is a legal requirement that all candidates who work in positions that are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act undergo an enhanced disclosure for each and every agency or employer that they work for. The check must be in place prior to you undertaking any assignment.

9.    A24 keeps asking me for my copy of the CRB check, surely you don’t need this as the CRB has sent A24 their own copy?
When the Criminal Records Bureau issue a disclosure certificate, they send one copy to the registered body (A24) and the other copy is the applicant’s copy which is for your own records. Registered bodies are prevented from disclosing any details to a third party concerning your CRB. We therefore request a copy of your applicant’s copy as many of our clients will insist on sight of this prior to accepting you for an assignment.

10.    I completed a CRB with you over 12 months ago and have been working without issue ever since – and now you are asking me to complete a new disclosure, is this really necessary?
It is a PASA requirement – and a requirement of the majority of our clients that a new CRB is instigated every 12 months.

11.    How often do I need to update my training and occupational health details?
All information must be updated annually and required additional training undertaken by you to remain compliant.   So every 12 months we will require new certificates of training from you – and Healthier Business will need to reassess your Occupational Health details and issue a new “Fitness for work” certificate.

12.    It seems a lot to remember and as a busy working healthcare professional, I am concerned that a document will lapse and I unwittingly will become non-compliant. How can you help me with this?
We recognise that many of the compliance documents that you provide us with will lapse at different times in the year: we have therefore introduced our candidate portal A24 Connect to assist you with this.   Once you are registered with A24 you can access A24 Connect and look at your compliance status, ask questions, and  update availability – therefore being more in control of your records and compliance.  Our systems are very intelligent and in addition to the A24 Connect portal, email reminders will be sent to you on a regular basis providing you with time to comply with any requirements.

13.    This all seems a lot of work that I have to do to undertake agency shifts, how can I be sure this is worth my while?
A24 Group cannot guarantee you work, our work is dependent on the demand for temporary staffing from our clients throughout England and Wales. We do however book in excess of 40,000 of temporary hours every week and our consultants are extremely pro-active, therefore affording you the best work opportunities in the market.

14.    Is A24 affiliated to any other agencies?
We operate under the brands, Ambition 24Hours and The Nursing Services of the UK.   Ambition 24Hours is predominately a supplier in the high-end ‘spot’ market of temporary staffing and works to achieve the highest rates possible for healthcare professionals. The Nursing Services of the UK, is the division of our sister company The Nursing Services of South Africa and provides longer term assignments.

15.    Can I make myself available to both of your agencies, therefore maximizing my work opportunities?
Absolutely, by registering with A24 Group once you will immediately become compliant to work for either of our two divisions.

16.    Who do I speak to if I am unhappy about anything?

Please email – and we will ensure that the correct person addresses any concern you may have.


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