A24Group Gender Pay Report 2024

About our Gender Pay Report 2024

New regulations were introduced in 2017 (Equality Act 2010 -Gender Pay Gap Information) which mean that employers are required to report on a number of different statistical measures of gender pay on the snapshot date of 5th April each year for non-public sector employers with more than 250 employees and agency workers. 

The gender pay gap is a high-level snapshot of pay in an organisation that shows the difference in average pay between men and women

The information below shows the median and mean gender pay gap and bonus pay gap for A24 Group Limited based on hourly rates of pay as at the snapshot date of 5 April 2024, and bonuses paid in the year to 5 April 2024. 

Mean: A24 Group women’s hourly pay is 12.27% higher 

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 mandate that employers report the difference between the mean hourly rate of men and the mean hourly rate of women as a percentage of the men’s figure.  

In our case, the mean women’s hourly pay is 12.27% higher than the mean men’s hourly pay. 

Median: A24 Group women’s hourly pay is 6.03% higher  

As per the regulations, we must report the difference between the median hourly rate for men and the median hourly rate for women, expressed as a percentage of the men’s figure. The median represents the middle value in a list of numbers for each gender.  

In our case, the median women’s hourly pay is 6.03% higher than men’s hourly pay. 

Pay quartiles

All rates of pay are placed into a list in order of value and the list is divided into four equal sections (quartiles).

Each quartile will contain the same number of individuals.

The regulations require us to report how many men and how many women are in each pay quartile, expressed as a percentage within each quartile.

Women    Men   
 Top Quartile 78% 22%
 Upper Middle Quartile 60% 40%
 Lower Middle Quartile 61% 39%
 Lower Quartile 66% 34%

Bonus Payments

The regulations require reporting on bonus payments, including commission. Here are the figures for the percentage of men and women who received a bonus: 

  • Male: 2.37% 

  • Female: 7.29%  

Mean and Median Bonus Pay

  • Women’s mean bonus pay is 1075.50% higher than men’s. 

  • Women’s median bonus pay is 275 % higher than men’s.  

Snapshot Date Staff Composition

  • On the snapshot date, 66% of our staff were female.  

  • This aligns with the preponderance of female workers in our industry (e.g., the NMC reports that only 11% of registered nurses in the UK were male in 2024).  

Equal Opportunity Basis

“I have reviewed the information and am confident in its accuracy and completeness.” - N. Patel, Group Financial Controller