Covid-19 Training and Resources | South African Health Workers

Knowledge translation units (KTU) - free online training

Pack Covid-19 module 2 | Topics covered

  • PPE

  • Case 1, 2 & 3

  • Evolving protocols

  • Occupational Stress

  • Overview of PACK resources available

  • Additional resources

  • Thank you to Health Workers

  • Feedback

It takes on average 1h30 to complete and 2 CPD points are provided on completion.

In order to prevent Covid-19 infection, workers are washing and sanitizing their hands more frequently than usual and may be wearing gloves, masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) for prolonged periods of time.

These measures are vital for worker safety but they can cause several different skin conditions or worsen existing skin conditions.


Face coverings for public commute and hospitals