Registration with Social Care Wales

What is the main purpose of registering with Social Care Wales?

All adult care home and social service workers in Wales are required to register with Social Care Wales (SCW). Since only individuals who are competent and qualified can provide care and support in roles where registration is necessary, the primary goal of registration with SCW is to safeguard the public.  

Maintaining active registration demonstrates that you are a member of the professional workforce and possess the knowledge and abilities necessary to give Wales' citizens high-quality care and support.

Your responsibilities as a registered worker: following the code of conduct

The guidelines for all care providers in Wales are outlined in the Code of Practice. Additionally, you must adhere to the practice guidelines specific to your profession. This adds criteria to the Code that are unique to your position.  

You might be reported to Social Care Wales if you violate the Code. You should notify them if you witness someone acting in a way that you believe to be unsafe or inconsistent with what a competent social worker would do at work. SCW uses the Code in all cases when concerns are brought up regarding registered individuals as part of our obligation to ensure that social workers on the Register possess the abilities, know-how, and moral fibre necessary to perform their jobs in a safe and efficient manner. 

How to change your registration or apply for a new one

You will need to update your registration if you work in multiple roles that necessitate you to be registered with Social Care Wales or if you move from one registered role to another. You might need to modify your registered role if you work in a different setting or in a different kind of position than what is required for all changes in employment. You can log into your SCWonline account here and you’ll be taken to the relevant page where you can apply for a change in registration or apply for another registration. 

Support and Resources

Social Care Wales has lots of information and resources, here are some key links: 

  • SCWonline allows you to manage your registration. 


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