Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards

In the last year, there has been a big drive to upskill agency staff working in Mental Health settings to meet Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards. 

Dear A24Group UK Agency Staff,  

This year (1st April 2024) most clients offering mental health services, have made this a mandatory requirement for supply to their establishments and therefore something we have been pushing for during our onboarding processes.  

Whilst we have been clear on our requirements, there are still some misconceptions which needs to be addressed.  

  1. We can only accept training issued by BILD Association of Certified Training organisations.  

  2. If evidence of refresher training provided only, then evidence of the full original course certificate must be evidenced – all training providers must be certificated on the BILD website, or a new full course must be booked

  3. Only providers that are approved, either for their in-house training or as an affiliate of a commercial training provider, will have a certificate from Bild Association of Certified Training containing the Restraint Reduction Network approved logo (to show inspectors) – we must be able to obtain/evidence this certification. 

  4. Unfortunately, we cannot accept training issued by any company still working towards BILD certification. 

Book Fully Accredited Training at Discounted Rates 

IMPORTANT: Please ensure your training done via a BILD Accredited Provider. We are affiliated with numerous BILD accredited suppliers, which can be accessed via our discounted training links

Need help with training or updating your Staffshift profile?

About the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards   

The Standards aim to facilitate culture change, not just technical competence. 

They are designed to: 

  • Protect people's fundamental human rights and promote person centred best interest and therapeutic approaches to supporting people when they are distressed 

  • Improve the quality of life of those being restrained and those supporting them 

  • Reduce reliance on restrictive practices by promoting positive culture and practice that focuses on prevention, de-escalation and reflective practice 

  • Increase understanding of the root causes of behaviour and recognition that many behaviours are the result of distress due to unmet needs 

  • Where required, focus on the safest and most dignified use of restrictive interventions including physical restraint. The scheme includes training needs analysis to ensure training is proportional to the needs of the population and setting. There is also increased scrutiny and surveillance of curricula, senior trainers and affiliated organisations. 

Warm regards, 

The A24Group Compliance Team

Chanè Mackay

Marketing & Digital Media Manager at A24Group & Benguela Collection


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